Town Council

The Ross Town Council is the governing body of the Town of Ross and the five members are elected by the residents. Each year, the Council elects one of its members to serve as Mayor for a one-year term. Council members are residents of the Town who volunteer their time to serve the community. Council members do not receive any compensation or benefits for serving on the Council (see Public Pay for Elected Officials). Members are elected for a four-year term. Council elections follow the same schedule as the Statewide elections and are therefore, either held in March or June of even-numbered years. The next Council election will be held in June 2026.

View Mayor and Council.


Ross voters elect Town Council members to staggered four-year terms on the Town Council in either March or June of even-numbered years. The Town’s next regularly scheduled election for Town Council will be in 2026 for two seats on the Council. 

To become a Town Council candidate, you must be over 18 years of age and a resident and registered voter in the Town of Ross. Candidate paperwork is available by appointment with the Town Clerk, 415.453.1453, ext 105.

For other voting information, click here.


The Council usually meets on the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m.  Meeting dates are subject to change, please confirm dates by viewing the list of scheduled meetings or the Ross Community Calendar. Currently, in addition to in-person meetings, Zoom attendance is also available.  Agendas are available at Town Hall and on the Town's website on the Friday prior to each meeting.

Staff Reports

Staff prepares reports for the Town Council on many non-routine matters on the Council agendas.  The reports are made available to the public on the same date that staff provides them to the Council and can be viewed on the Town's Meetings page.  Staff report attachments, such as plans are typically not posted on our website.  Copies of plans are available for review in the Planning Department during normal business hours.


The Town Council is responsible for the overall management of the Town. Council members rotate positions on the Community Protection, Finance, General Government, and Public Works Committees. Committee members are responsible for working with Town staff and the public, and making recommendations to the Town Council for final action in each of these areas. The Town Council has final decision making authority within the community. For a list of Council Committee assignments click here.

Americans with Disabilities Act

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a town meeting, please contact the Town Administration office at (415) 453-1453, Ext. 105, or (415) 453-1950 (Fax). Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the town to make reasonable accommodation to help insure accessibility to this meeting.