Election Information

Ross voters elect Town Council members to staggered four-year terms on the Town Council in either March or June of even-numbered years. The Town’s next regularly scheduled election for Town Council will be June 2, 2026 for two seats on the Council. If you are interested in running, please pick up your candidate paperwork at the Town Clerk's office. You may call 415.453.1453, ext 105 to make an appointment.

To become a Town Council candidate, you must be over 18 years of age and a resident and registered voter in the Town of Ross.

Past Elections
June 7, 2022 Election Results

Voter Information

Not registered to vote or not sure if you are registered? Click on the links below to complete registration or to check your voter status.

Register to Vote
Check your Registration Status


The Voter's Choice Act is in effect for Marin County.

What is the Voter's Choice Act?
The Voter's Choice Act is a law that allows counties to offer voters more choices for how, when, and where they vote. Now, all active registered voters are automatically mailed a ballot, early voting is expanded for more days, and voters may vote in-person at a regional vote center. For further information on the Voter's Choice Act visit the County of Marin Elections Department.

What is a Vote Center?
Voters may vote in-person at ANY vote center in Marin County. Assigned neighborhood polling places are replaced by regional vote centers that open at least 3 days before Election Day with more services. 

PLEASE NOTE ROSS NO LONGER HAS A POLLING PLACE. Residents can vote at ANY vote center in Marin County but there will not be one in Ross.

For more election information visit the County of Marin Elections Department.