Special Meeting Annual Budget Workshop

The meeting will be held in person.  As a courtesy, and technology permitting, members of the public may participate remotely and provide public comment via Zoom. Please be advised that those participating in the meeting remotely via Zoom do so at their own risk. Council meetings will not be canceled due to technical difficulties. If no members of the Town Council are attending the meeting via teleconference, and a technical error or outage occurs on the teleconference feed, the Town Council will continue the meeting in person in the Ross Town Hall, 31 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard, Ross, CA.

Zoom Webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82613316813 

Webinar ID: 826 1331 6813# or Call-in Number: +1 (669) 900-9128

Submit public comment by:
1.   Emailing cmartel@townofross.org prior to 4:00 P.M. the Friday before the meeting.

2.   Attend the meeting in person and provide public comment.

3.   If participating remotely, during the public comment portion of the Open Session select the “Raise Hand” icon in the Zoom meeting or press *9 if calling into the meeting.